New insights into how
selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors work suggest they reverse inhibited
nerve regeneration and connectivity that may underlie depression
Research shows that people with depression often have
lower than normal levels of serotonin. The types of medications most commonly
prescribed to treat depression act by blocking the recycling, or reuptake, of
serotonin by the sending neuron.Image: NIMH
Depression strikes some 35 million people worldwide, according to
the World Health Organization, contributing to lowered quality of life as well
as an increased risk of heart
disease and suicide. Treatments typically
include psychotherapy, support groups and education as well as psychiatric
medications. SSRIs, or selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, currently are
the most commonly prescribed category of antidepressant drugs in the U.S., and
have become a household name in treating depression.
The action of these
compounds is fairly familiar. SSRIs increase available levels of serotonin,
sometimes referred to as the feel-good neurotransmitter, in our brains. Neurons
communicate via neurotransmitters, chemicals which pass from one nerve cell to
another. A transporter molecule recycles unused transmitter and carries it back
to the pre-synaptic cell. For serotonin, that shuttle is called SERT (short for
“serotonin transporter”). An SSRI binds to SERT and blocks its activity,
allowing more serotonin to remain in the spaces between neurons. Yet, exactly
how this biochemistry then works against depression remains a scientific
In fact, SSRIs fail
to work for mild cases of depression, suggesting that regulating serotonin
might be an indirect treatment only. “There’s really no evidence that
depression is a serotonin-deficiency syndrome,” says Alan Gelenberg, a
depression and psychiatric researcher at The Pennsylvania State University.
“It’s like saying that a headache is an aspirin-deficiency syndrome.” SSRIs
work insofar as they reduce the symptoms of depression, but “they’re pretty
nonspecific,” he adds.
Now, research headed
up by neuroscientists David Gurwitz and Noam Shomron of Tel Aviv University in
Israel supports recent thinking that rather than a shortage of serotonin, a
lack of synaptogenesis (the growth of new synapses, or nerve contacts) and
neurogenesis (the generation and migration of new neurons) could cause
depression. In this model lower serotonin levels would merely result when cells
stopped making new connections among neurons or the brain stopped making new
neurons. So, directly treating the cause of this diminished neuronal activity
could prove to be a more effective therapy for depression than simply relying
on drugs to increase serotonin levels.
for this line of thought came when their team found that cells in culture
exposed to a 21-day course of the common SSRI paroxetine (Paxil is one of the
brand names) expressed significantly more of the gene for an integrin protein
called ITGB3 (integrin beta-3). Integrins are known to play a role in cell
adhesion and connectivity and therefore are essential for synaptogenesis. The
scientists think SSRIs might promote synaptogenesis and neurogenesis by turning
on genes that make ITGB3 as well as other proteins that are involved in these
processes. A microarray, which can house an entire genome on one laboratory
slide, was used to pinpoint the involved genes. Of the 14 genes that showed
increased activity in the paroxetine-treated cells, the gene that expresses
ITGB3 showed the greatest increase in activity. That gene,ITGB3, is also
crucial for the activity of SERT. Intriguingly, none of the 14 genes are
related to serotonin signaling or metabolism, and, ITGB3 has
never before been implicated in depression or an SSRI mode of action.
results, published October 15 in Translational Psychiatry, suggest
that SSRIs do indeed work by blocking SERT. But, the bigger picture lies in the
fact that in order to make up for the lull in SERT, more ITGB3 is produced,
which then goes to work in bolstering synaptogenesis and neurogenesis, the true
culprits behind depression. “There are many studies proposing that
antidepressants act by promoting synaptogenesis and neurogenesis,” Gurwitz
says. “Our work takes one big step on the road for validating such
suggestions.”The research is weakened by
its reliance on observations of cells in culture rather than in actual
patients. The SSRI dose typically delivered to a patient’s brain is actually a
fraction of what is swallowed in a pill. “Obvious next steps are showing that
what we found here is indeed viewed in patients as well,” Shomron says.
The study
turned up additional drug targets for treating depression—two microRNA molecules, miR-221 and miR-222. Essentially,
microRNAs are small molecules that can turn a gene off by binding to it. The
microarray results showed a significant decrease in the expression of miR-221
and miR-222, both of which are predicted to target ITGB3, when cells
were exposed to paroxetine. So, a drug that could prevent those molecules from
inhibiting the production of the ITGB3 protein would arguably enable the growth
of more new neurons and synapses. And, if the neurogenesis and synaptogenesis
hypothesis holds, a drug that specifically targeted miR-221 or miR-222 could
bring sunnier days to those suffering from depression.
Posted by
Gauri Shah(faculty BII)